Sunday 6 December 2009

Bah Humbug

Christmas nights out. Sparkly outfits, yummy meals, a few drinks and a lot of laughs. That’s what the Lingerie team from Debenhams, plus myself, were expecting.

Firstly, if you’re wondering why I went on the Lingerie night out, it’s because it was my old department, and all my mates work there. Secondly, it’s was not the best day of my life.

The day started off like any other Friday. I woke up and began trying to fix yet another of the problems arising within my student accommodation hellhole. My door, no longer locking or unlocking, for the hundredth time.

Of course, the office doesn’t open until 3pm and, of course, I can’t get hold of anyone at any of the other locations scattered throughout Aberdeen. So, I make the most of the time I have until the office opens, while not being able to leave the flat for fear of the insurance company, and what they would say, heaven forbid, something went missing.
Eventually, I got someone to look at the door, only to make it worse, then give me a temporary fix until the weekend is over. Oi.

Anyhoo, to add to the misery, by the time all of this had occurred, I had exactly 45 minutes to get ready for said night out. So, I primped and preened, donned my uniform for the night, my glitziest heels and bejewelled dress, and headed out.

Now when I say glitziest heels, you probably can’t comprehend how much glitz I mean. I’m talking shoes practically made of glitter. Picture these Nine West beauties, only all purple. Fabulous if I say so myself.

My cotton jersey, Julien MacDonald dress looked nice enough and the sparkly purple heels looked amazing, but they certainly aren’t designed for warmth.

And damn, was it cold!

But I expected the well needed merriment to warm me up.
In the end, we all sat in our glad rags, filling ourselves up with festive fancies, planning where to head for our Christmas cocktails. Kareoke was ruled out, with the majority of the group being tone deaf, and the clubs such as Liquid also bit the dust as a few of our number were over 35. So we headed out of the restaurant, and stood at the crossing deliberating the plan of the evening, when all but four of us, WENT HOME!

Feeling slightly disgruntled and less festive, the four of us remaining headed to a university bar to drown our sorrows, before calling it a night at 1am. Poor show.

Ah well, at least we looked fabulous and my door worked when I got home.

Was it the cold? Was my bad day jinxing the evening? Were my heels just too damn fabulous for everyone to handle? Or has everyone suddenly turned Scrooge on us?
Oh Bah Humbug!

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